Plants Grown in Our RC Nature World
Welcome to RC Nature World, where nature’s bounty is cultivated and nurtured to bring you the best of what mother earth has to offer. Our passion for growing plants and fruits has led us to create this page, where we will share with you the fruits of our labor. Our fields are filled with various kinds of fruits and hundreds of medicinal plants, each with its unique benefits. We take pride in cultivating these plants and ensuring they thrive in a natural and sustainable environment.
Our orchards are home to a diverse range of fruits, each ripened to perfection and bursting with flavor. From the sweet tang of mangoes to the juicy crunch of guavas, we grow a variety of fruits that are not only delicious but also packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Our fruits are handpicked at the peak of ripeness, ensuring maximum flavor and nutrition. We take great care to ensure that our fruits are grown using natural methods, without any harmful pesticides or chemicals.
Some of the Fruits We Grow
- Apple – सेब (हरमन)
- Apple Ber – एप्पल बेर
- Banana – केला
- Grape – अंगूर
- Guava – अमरूद (हिसार सफेदा, ठें, इलाहाबादी सफेदा)
- Jackfruit – कटहल
- Kinnow – किनू
- Lemon – नींबू (कुंभकाट, कलकत्ता, कागज़ी)
- Mango – आम (बरमासी)
- Orange – संतरा
- Papaya – पपीता
- Peach – आड़ू
- Plum – आलूबुखारा
- Red Malta – रेड माल्टा
- Sapodilla – चीकू
- Sweet Lime – मोसंबी
Medicinal Plants
At RC Nature World, we believe in the power of nature to heal and rejuvenate. That’s why we have dedicated a significant portion of our fields to cultivating medicinal plants. These plants have been used for centuries to treat various ailments and diseases. We grow hundreds of medicinal plants, each with its unique healing properties. From the soothing effects of Aloe Vera to the antibacterial properties of Neem, our plants are carefully tended to and harvested at the right time to maximize their potency.
Some of the Medicinal Plants We Grow
Indian Gooseberry - आंवला
Known for its high vitamin C content, amla is commonly used to boost immunity and aid digestion.
Indian Sarsaparilla - अनंतमूल
Known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, anantmool is commonly used to treat skin disorders and joint pain.
Saraca Indica - अशोक
Known for its hormone-regulating properties, ashok is commonly used to treat menstrual problems and uterine disorders.
Saraca Indica - अशोक
Known for its hormone-regulating properties, ashok is commonly used to treat menstrual problems and uterine disorders.
Acacia Arabica - बबूल
Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, babul is commonly used to treat oral health issues and skin infections.
Terminalia Bellirica - बहेड़ा
Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, baheda is commonly used to treat respiratory disorders and improve eyesight.
Bael Patra
Aegle Marmelos - बेलपत्र
Known for its digestive and laxative properties, bael patra is commonly used to treat digestive issues and constipation.
Bacopa Monnieri - ब्राह्मी
Known for its cognitive benefits, brahmi is commonly used to improve memory and concentration.
Sandalwood - चंदन
Known for its cooling and soothing properties, chandan is commonly used to treat skin problems and reduce anxiety.
Plumbago Zeylanica - चित्रक
Known for its digestive and metabolic benefits, chitrak is commonly used to treat indigestion and stimulate appetite.
Fire Flame Bush - दमनक
Used for respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and as a liver tonic.
Datura (Kala, Safed)
Jimsonweed - धतूरा
Used for asthma, fever, pain relief, and to treat skin disorders.
Thorn Apple - धतूरा
Used for respiratory disorders, pain relief, and as a sedative.
White Sandalwood - दुबला चंदन
Used for skin disorders, digestive issues, and as a blood purifier.
Garlic - लहसुन
Used for enhancing immunity, lowering cholesterol levels, and treating colds and flu.
Gond Kateri
Cork Tree - गोंद काटेरी
Used for respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and to improve appetite.
Lal Chandan
Red sandalwood - लाल चंदन
Known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, lal chandan is commonly used for treating skin issues and respiratory problems.
Indian Bdellium - गुग्गुल
Used for joint pain, high cholesterol, and as an anti-inflammatory.
Cluster Fig - गूलर
Used for respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and as a liver tonic.
Turmeric - हल्दी
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is commonly used to treat joint pain, skin issues, and digestive problems.
Chebulic Myrobalan - हरड़
Used for digestive issues, respiratory disorders, and to improve eyesight.
Night Jasmine - हर्ष्रिंगार
Used for respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and to improve appetite.
Tephrosia - इफ्तार
Used for digestive issues, respiratory disorders, and as a diuretic.
Tamarind - इमली
Used for digestive issues, fever, and as a laxative.
Indrajau Kadwa
Pala indigo plant - इंद्रजौ कड़वा
Used for digestive issues, respiratory disorders, and as a blood purifier.
Jangal Jalebi
Jungle Jalebi - जंगल जलेबी
Used for respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and to improve appetite.
Jungli Aak
Calotropis procera - मदार
Used for treating skin conditions, fever, asthma, and digestive issues.
Bauhinia variegata - कचनार
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, kachnar is commonly used to treat respiratory problems, menstrual issues, and diabetes.
Kali Mirch
Black pepper - काली मिर्च
Used for enhancing digestion, boosting metabolism, and reducing inflammation.
Camphor - कपूर
Known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, kapur is commonly used for treating coughs, colds, and skin issues.
Indian beech - करंज
Used for treating skin conditions, pain, and inflammation.
Saffron - केसर
Known for its antioxidant properties, kesar is commonly used for treating depression, PMS symptoms, and enhancing memory.
Khurasani Ajwain
Hyoscyamus niger - खुरासानी अजवाइन
Used for treating respiratory problems, fever, and pain.
Holarrhena antidysenterica - कुड
Known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, kud is commonly used for treating diarrhea and skin conditions.
Laiman Grass
Cymbopogon citratus - लेमन ग्रास
Used for treating digestive issues, fever, and headache.
Heart-Leaved Moonseed - गालोय
Used for digestive issues, fever, and to improve appetite.
Lahsun Bel
Elephant garlic - लहसुन बेल
Used for treating respiratory problems, digestive issues, and enhancing immunity.
Fox nut - मखाना
Known for its antioxidant properties, makhana is commonly used for treating diabetes, kidney problems, and enhancing fertility.
Jasmine - मोगरा
Used for treating depression, anxiety, and respiratory problems.
Horse chestnut - मौलश्री
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, molshree is commonly used for treating varicose veins, arthritis, and hemorrhoids.
Hogweed - नागदमन
Used for treating skin diseases, fever, and respiratory problems.
Nak Kesar
Saffron - नक केसर
Used for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and to treat depression and menstrual cramps.
Five-leaved chaste tree - निगुंडी
Used for treating fever, rheumatism, and skin diseases.
Snake gourd - पंचतरा
Used for treating diabetes, constipation, and fever.
Hogweed - पर्णायवानी
Used for treating skin diseases, fever, and respiratory problems.
Pathar Chatta
Indian pennywort - पथरचट्टा
Used for improving memory, reducing anxiety, and treating skin diseases.
Sacred fig - पीपल
Used for treating asthma, diabetes, and digestive problems.
Long pepper - पिप्पली
Used for treating respiratory problems, digestive issues, and fever.
Spreading hogweed - पुनर्नवा
Used for treating kidney problems, liver disorders, and respiratory problems.
Holarrhena antidysenterica - कुड
Known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, kud is commonly used for treating diarrhea and skin conditions.
Raat Ki Rani
Night blooming jasmine - रात की रानी
Used for treating skin diseases, anxiety, and insomnia.
Rakti Choti Elaichi
Red cardamom - रक्तचोटी इलायची
Used for treating digestive problems, respiratory issues, and bad breath.
Mustard - राई
Used for treating respiratory problems, digestive issues, and to promote blood circulation.
Ram Shyama
Black turmeric - रामश्यामा
Used for treating asthma, arthritis, and skin diseases.
Rat Ki Rani
Night blooming jasmine - रात की रानी
Used for treating skin diseases, anxiety, and insomnia.
Senna - सेना
Used for treating constipation and digestive problems.
Bacopa - सरस्वती
Used for improving memory, reducing anxiety, and treating respiratory problems.
Indian snakeroot - सर्पगंधा
Used for treating high blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia.
Asparagus - शतावरी
Used for treating hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and to boost immunity.
Night flowering jasmine - सिदुरी
Used for treating skin diseases, fever, and respiratory problems.
Dry ginger - सूखी अदरक
Used for treating digestive problems, respiratory issues, and nausea.
Ammonium Chloride - सुहागा
Used to treat respiratory problems such as cough, cold, and asthma.
Oroxylum - सोनापथा
Used for treating respiratory problems, fever, and digestive issues.
Tal Makhana
Foxnut - मखाना
Rich in protein and low in fat, foxnuts are commonly used as a healthy snack and also aid in digestion.
Tulsi (Van, Kapoor, Masala)
Holy Basil - तुलसी
Known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, holy basil is commonly used to treat cold, cough, and other respiratory problems.
Tamarind - इमली
Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, tamarind is commonly used to treat digestive problems and lower cholesterol levels.
Bakuchi - बाकुची
Used for treating digestive issues, fever, and headache.
Stinging Nettle - उंची
Used to treat joint pain, arthritis, and allergies.