A Step towards Better Future

Preserving nature and safeguarding its elements for future generations is our commitment at RC Nature World. Through practices like drip irrigation, solar panels, and organic farming, we minimize resource usage, ensuring harmony with the environment.

RC Nature World's Mission:

एक कदम प्रकृति की ओर

I’m Mr.Rajan Chaudhary, the proud founder of RC Nature World, dedicated to transforming Bharat’s lifestyle. Our mission is to link the food we consume with individual health, utilizing ancient wisdom like Ayurveda, Panchgavya, Naturopathy, and Yoga. 

At RC Nature World, we cultivate a diverse range of plants organically, including fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants. Our holistic farming integrates ancient techniques with modern sustainable practices, featuring mulching, crop rotation, mixed farming, and drip irrigation powered by solar panels.

Sourcing water from the Himalayas, we nurture our crops with naturally enriched water, creating robust and vital plants. Embracing eco-friendly technologies, we use solar panels for irrigation machinery. Our soil is enriched with organic manures like cow dung and goo-kripa-amrit, ensuring nutrient-rich environments for thriving crops.

In essence, RC Nature World harmonizes ancient wisdom and modern sustainability, aiming for a healthier lifestyle. Join our campaign, “एक कदम प्रकृति की ओर ” (One Step towards Nature), as we inspire positive change and embrace a mindful way of life. Be part of our journey towards well-being and harmony with nature.

Conserving the Five Elements of NATURE

Impact of Green Revolution on Environment and Health

The Green Revolution resulted in a great increase in production of food grains (especially wheat and rice) due to the introduction into developing countries of new, high-yielding variety seeds, beginning in the mid-20th century.

In today’s world, post the green revolution; Indian farmers are using dangerously – high levels of chemicals such as fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides to accelerate crop growth rapidly. Despite the quick results, what we end up consuming is not really a crop but an accumulation of harmful chemicals. This kind of food poses serious health risks, leading to various diseases like cancer, renal failure, stillborn babies and birth defects including chronic and sometimes irreversible conditions. This widespread practice is a significant threat in our modernized society.

This chemical-based-farming not only affects our health but also harms the wildlife and microorganisms in the soil, degrading its fertility. It’s a destructive practice that goes against the natural balance of the five elements, significantly impacting the environment.

The Organic Farming Solution

The solution to the above danger is by practising complete organic farming, rooted in our traditional practices, is crucial to safeguard the health of every individual in Bharat. By drawing inspiration from countries like Israel and Russia, we can integrate time-tested traditional farming methods with modern techniques such as drip irrigation and innovative crop practices. This combination not only preserves the environment but also ensures healthier produce. Organic farming enhances soil fertility, reduces chemical exposure, and promotes biodiversity. Making this shift supports sustainable agriculture, contributing to the well-being of both people and the planet. It’s a holistic approach that aligns with the principles of healthy living and ecological balance.

At RC Nature World, Mr. Rajan Chaudhary, a former successful businessman in Delhi NCR, recognized the dangers associated with the food he consumed. Motivated by this awareness, he returned to his village, Mangalpur in Haryana, and initiated organic farming. Additionally, he launched the “एक कदम प्रकृति की ओर” (One Step towards Nature) campaign at RC Nature World. The primary objective of this initiative is to nurture a connection between individuals and the environment, with the ultimate goal of promoting conservation and preserving the rich heritage of Bharat.

Seed Diversification

Engaging in organic farming presents various challenges, and a significant initial difficulty arose in the sourcing of appropriate seeds. The primary issue surfaced when the government-provided seeds turned out to be hybrids, carefully engineered in laboratories to maximize yield but requiring excessive chemical inputs. Mr. Rajan, following extensive research, determined that our ancestors’ DESI seeds not only thrived in natural conditions but also did so without the need for such chemical involvement.

However, these ancient seeds, cultivated for centuries before the green revolution, were in short supply. Mr. Rajan, persistent in his efforts, invested both time and resources to locate them in remote areas, eventually cultivating them in his own fields. Recognizing the need to inspire fellow farmers to embrace organic practices, he took a proactive step. Dr. Rajan initiated the cultivation and production of DESI seeds on his farm, ensuring convenient access for other farmers at affordable prices.

This visionary initiative seeks to promote widespread adoption of organic farming, promoting both sustainable agriculture and environmental well-being.


The second issue is that crops grown with organic farming tend to yield much less, typically less than 10 times, compared to modern-chemical-farming. This poses a significant challenge because organic farming generally results in lower yields compared to the high-yield approach of using chemicals.

After thorough research, Mr. Rajan Chaudhary found that relying only on ancient farming methods might not yield the desired output. Consequently, he concluded that a combination of various farming practices is essential. These include mixed farming, crop rotation, agroforestry, companion planting, mulching, green cover, trapping, composting, raised bed farming, and biodynamic farming. Each of these methods plays a unique role in enhancing agricultural productivity and maintaining ecological balance.

At RC Nature World, Mr. Rajan Chaudhary has cultivated thousands of fruit plants and a variety of vegetables, strategically interspersed with crops like wheat, bajra, and sarso for oil production. A noteworthy initiative is the organic cultivation of thousands of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. This holistic approach showcases a commitment to diverse and organic farming, encompassing not only food crops but also medicinal herbs that contribute to the well-being of both individuals and the environment.

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is a great agricultural strategy employed by Mr. Rajan Chaudhary at RC Nature World. This technique involves planting different crops sequentially in the same area during various seasons. By rotating crops, the farm ensures balanced soil fertility, minimizes pest and disease risks, and breaks the cycle of crop-specific issues. This practice promotes a resilient and healthy agricultural system, aligning with sustainable farming principles.

Benefits of Crop Rotation:

Soil Fertility: Maintains balanced nutrient levels in the soil.

Pest and Disease Control: Reduces the risk of specific crop-related issues.

Overall Soil Health: Promotes a robust and sustainable farming ecosystem. 

Mixed Cropping

At RC Nature World, mixed cropping is a harmonious farming approach where diverse crops coexist in the same field. This practice optimizes land utilization and fosters biodiversity, reducing the vulnerability of crops to failure. The intentional combination of different crops promotes ecological balance, emphasizing the farm’s commitment to sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Benefits of Mixed Cropping:

  • Biodiversity: Enhances ecological diversity within the farming ecosystem.
  • Risk Reduction: Minimizes the impact of crop failure.
  • Land Optimization: Maximizes land use efficiency. 


Agroforestry, exemplified by the planting of sarso (mustard) along the boundaries at RC Nature World, is a sustainable farming technique. This method integrates trees with crops, providing multifaceted benefits. The sarso acts as a protective boundary, enhancing soil structure, promoting biodiversity, and yielding additional products like mustard oil. This thoughtful combination of agriculture and forestry contributes to a more resilient and productive farming environment.

Benefits of Agroforestry:

  • Soil Enhancement: Improves overall soil structure and fertility.
  • Biodiversity Boost: Supports a diverse range of plant and animal life.
  • Additional Yields: Produces valuable products like mustard oil.
  • Erosion Prevention: Acts as a natural barrier against soil erosion.
  • Environmental Resilience: Creates a sustainable and resilient farming environment.


In the months of October and November, several regions in Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh witness the environmentally harmful practice of burning crop residue, known as “parali” or stubble. This burning contributes significantly to air pollution in the Delhi NCR region, creating hazardous conditions and leading to various respiratory issues. On the other hand, RC Nature World takes an innovative approach by utilizing parali for mulching. Instead of contributing to air pollution, the farm applies crop residue to cover the soil. 

Benefits of Mulching:

  • Water Conservation: Mulching reduces water evaporation from the soil surface.
  • Weed Suppression: Acts as a natural weed barrier, reducing the need for herbicides.
  • Soil Improvement: Enhances soil structure, fostering better nutrient retention.
  • Temperature Regulation: Serves as natural insulation, moderating soil temperature.
  • Erosion Prevention: Shields the soil, reducing the risk of erosion and nutrient loss.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is a strategic farming technique embraced at RC Nature World, where different crops are cultivated in proximity to harness their beneficial interactions by providing. This approach promotes biodiversity, minimizes pest issues, and maximizes the overall health of the farming ecosystem. 

 Benefits of Companion Planting: 

  • Natural Pest Control: Utilizes natural mechanisms to repel pests. 
  • Enhanced Growth: Encourages better growth and development of companion plants. 
  • Biodiversity: Creates a diverse and balanced farming environment. 

Green Manure

Green manure is a sustainable practice at RC Nature World involving the cultivation of specific plants, like moong dal, whose incorporation into the soil enhances fertility. By plowing these green manure crops back into the fields, the farm maintains and enriches soil health, ensuring a nutrient-rich environment for subsequent crops. 

 Benefits of Green Manure: 

  • Soil Enrichment: Improves soil fertility and nutrient levels. 
  • Natural Nitrogen Fixation: Utilizes nitrogen-fixing plants to enhance soil nitrogen. 
  • Sustainable Fertilization: Reduces dependence on synthetic fertilizers. 

Raised Bed Farming

RC Nature World employs raised bed farming, a method where crops, especially vegetables, are grown in elevated beds. This technique enhances soil drainage and aeration, creating optimal conditions for plant growth. Additionally, raised beds are utilized for seed production, ensuring controlled environments that promote healthy seed development. 

 Benefits of Raised Bed Farming:

  • Improved Drainage: Reduces the risk of waterlogged soil. 
  • Enhanced Soil Aeration: Promotes better oxygen circulation for plant roots. 
  • Controlled Seed Production: Provides a controlled environment for quality seed development.

Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamic farming, an integral part of RC Nature World’s practices, involves a holistic approach that incorporates spiritual and cosmic principles into agriculture. By aligning planting and harvesting activities with lunar and celestial cycles, the farm aims to enhance the overall vitality and resilience of the farming ecosystem. 

Medicinal Sprays

In the peaceful fields of RC Nature World, Dr. Rajan Chaudhary embraces a gentle and natural approach to protect the crops. Instead of using harmful chemical pesticides, he creates special medicinal sprays from Ayurvedic plants. These sprays act like eco-friendly guardians, preventing harmful microorganisms from damaging the crops without harming the helpful ones, like the tiny living things in the soil or the birds. The beauty of it is that we’re not hurting any insects; we’re simply sending away the ones that could harm the crops. It’s a friendly way to keep the farm safe and flourishing, unlike the methods that might harm the environment used by some other farmers. 

In this eco-friendly practice, the medicinal sprays carefully crafted at RC Nature World work like natural defenders, ensuring the well-being of the crops without causing harm to the beneficial insects or wildlife. Dr. Rajan’s approach embodies a commitment to harmony with nature, allowing the farm to thrive in a balanced and sustainable ecosystem. This gentle touch not only safeguards the crops but also embraces the diversity of life within the fields, creating a haven where every organism, whether big or tiny, plays a role in the vibrant tapestry of the farm’s natural symphony.

Revolutionizing Soil Health at RC Nature World

In the vast expanse of RC Nature World, our dedication to sustainable farming is embodied in a thoughtfully crafted soil management strategy, with the star player being “Goo-Kripa-Amrit.” This organic elixir, curated by visionary scientist Gopal Sutaria, uplifts soil health with a harmonious blend of cow urine, gud, lassi, water, and millions of microorganisms.

Natural Nutrient Boost from Leguminous Plants:

Strategically cultivating leguminous plants like moong enriches the soil naturally, fostering biodiversity and creating a balanced ecosystem teeming with beneficial microorganisms. This not only enhances soil quality but also ensures the vigor of plant growth.

Cow Dung Transformation for Organic Excellence:

Traditional cow dung from our gau shala undergoes a transformative process in drums, resulting in nutrient-rich organic manure. This processed cow dung becomes a cornerstone in our soil conservation efforts, providing vital organic matter crucial for sustained agricultural productivity.

Goo-Kripa-Amrit :

Crafted by Gopal Sutaria, Goo-Kripa-Amrit introduces a diverse community of microorganisms to the soil, fostering a thriving environment. This elixir enhances water retention, promotes disease resistance, and improves soil structure, contributing to better plant development. Sourced from Gujarat, Gau-Kripa-Amrit, comprising cow urine, gud, lassi, water, and microorganisms, is the result of decades of research, significantly boosting soil fertility.

Benefits of Goo-Kripa-Amrit & Gau-Kripa-Amrit:

  • Microbial Diversity: Enhances the soil with a diverse community of microorganisms.
  • Nutrient Absorption: Facilitates better absorption of nutrients by crops.
  • Sustainable Soil Health: Reduces dependency on synthetic inputs.

Optimized Water Management at RC Nature World

At RC Nature World, our agricultural pursuits are nurtured by a unique water source, a precious gift flowing from Himalayan glaciers and the rivers of Punjab. Laden with the richness of melted glaciers and revitalizing rainwater, this natural elixir forms the cornerstone of our extraordinary farming experience.

Water Source and Storage:

  • Natural Origins: Originating from Himalayan glaciers and nutrient-rich rainwater.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: We collect rainwater in a large tank, supplementing our water resources.
  • Nature’s Miracle: The fusion of glacier melt and rainwater acts as a boon for robust plant growth.

Inspired by Israeli techniques, RC Nature World has embraced advanced water management practices, prominently featuring the transformative method of drip irrigation. This approach involves meticulous preparation and utilization of our water resources.

Drip Irrigation Preparation:

  • Water Tank Storage: Our substantial water tank stores this nutrient-rich water.
  • Rainwater Harvesting Tank: Rainwater collection supplements our irrigation needs.
  • Drip Irrigation System Installation: Precision-placed tubes ensure water is delivered drop by drop directly to plant roots.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation:

  • Water Efficiency: Ensures precise and efficient water usage.
  • Nutrient Optimization: Maximizes nutrient delivery directly to plant roots.
  • Water Conservation: Significantly reduces water wastage compared to traditional methods.
  • Uniform Water Distribution: Each plant receives an equal and necessary quantity of water.
  • Enhanced Plant Growth: Supports healthier and more robust plant development.

Gau Kripa Amrit, our special organic fluid manure, seamlessly integrates with the drip irrigation system. Developed by nature enthusiast Gopal Sutaria, this scientifically curated liquid, comprising cow urine (goo mutra), gud, lassi water, and millions of microorganisms, is efficiently delivered to every plant in the required quantity.

Benefits of Gau Kripa Amrit with Drip Irrigation:

  • Microbial Enrichment: Enhances the soil with a diverse community of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Precision Nutrient Delivery: Ensures each plant receives the necessary nutrients directly at the roots.
  • Water-Saving Efficiency: Optimizes water use, requiring minimal quantities for maximum effect.
  • Sustainable Farming: Reduces dependency on synthetic inputs while promoting eco-friendly practices.
  • Holistic Plant Care: Nurtures plants with a balanced blend of organic goodness and water efficiency.

In the convergence of unique water sources, rainwater harvesting, and innovative drip irrigation techniques, RC Nature World not only embraces nature’s gifts but also pioneers an optimized water management system that harmonizes efficiency, sustainability, and the well-being of every plant in its care.

Harvesting the Sun's Power for Sustainable Farming

At RC Nature World, our dedication to sustainable farming extends to harnessing the sun’s energy through solar panels, proudly standing as a symbol of environmental responsibility. Positioned under the expansive sky, these solar panels serve as more than just an energy source; they drive our commitment to eco-conscious practices.

Solar Panel Integration:

  • Sun-Powered Drip Irrigation: Our state-of-the-art drip irrigation system is driven by solar panels, ensuring water efficiency.
  • Sustainable Farming Operations: Solar energy fuels various daily activities, diminishing our reliance on conventional electricity.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: By harnessing clean and renewable solar energy, we minimize the farm’s environmental impact.

Benefits of Solar Panel Implementation:

  • Energy Efficiency: Converts sunlight into electrical energy with minimal wastage.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces electricity costs, contributing to economic sustainability.
  • Carbon Footprint Minimization: Promotes eco-friendly practices, decreasing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Off-Grid Capability: Enhances self-sufficiency by generating power independently from the grid.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Solar panels offer a durable and sustainable energy solution, contributing to the farm’s longevity.

Our solar-powered drip irrigation system exemplifies a harmonious blend of modern technology and ecological consciousness. Each drop of water delivered to the plants carries the essence of sustainability, propelled by the sun’s energy. This integration makes our farm a beacon of responsible agricultural innovation.

By tapping into the sun’s boundless energy, RC Nature World not only diminishes its carbon footprint but also stands as a testament to the potential of renewable energy in fostering a greener and more sustainable future. The golden rays of the sun not only nurture our crops but also power our commitment to environmental stewardship.